Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our neighbor at Glengariff

P1000543.JPG, originally uploaded by davethetemp.

Our B&B backed onto this hill (and the neighbors flock).

From there we took off to the Beara peninsula, which is considered to be more rugged and less touristy than the Kerry and Dingle peninsulas. We stopped in Bantry to visit the gardens of Bantry House and called ahead to a B&B in Glengariff. I had hoped for a few days rest in the middle of our vacation. Ideally, a spot with a nice view and friendly people. Once we arrived, met our B&B hosts and saw the wonderful view from our room, we decided this was it and stayed for three nights. Kathleen and Patrick (our hosts) are terrific people and their home is close to lots of places while having a peaceful charm. I don't think they have a site on the web, but if you want information about staying there, please ask me an I can pass you their e-mail address.

Their house backs onto one of the large hills in the area and looks across to the bay and the highest range of mountains in the peninsula. I asked about hiking up the hill and Kathleen urged me to go ahead.

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